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Tuesday 4 December 2018

The Mill on the Floss ~ George Elliot (spoiler alert)

(p579 chunkster)  Classic Brit Trip Location Lincolnshire 
If you "love" Mill on the Floss don't read any further  ;-)
"We judge others according to results, how else, not knowing the process by which results are arrived at."

After dragging me through nearly 500p, and hoping I now care what happens to Maggie, Elliot decides the best way to wind up this story is to destroy her physically: she packs Maggie off to heaven with her brother via a "nice" drowning. Such a lovely ending. 

Nice set of male characters for Maggie to love too: Her father became deformed by bitter revenge, Tom became emotionally deformed thanks to his father's bequest, Stephen was cast as being morally deformed - given to passion over duty - and, Philip was physically deformed and given to being melancholy and bitter because of it. I should have realised once Elliot started quoting, earlier in the book, about denying oneself, selflessness, and sacrifice that that was the hook Elliot was going to hang Maggie out to dry on.
Sorry George Elliot, I’ve judged and reviewed this book according to the results at the end; the ending is the kind I loathe in works of fiction, it negates any fine writing that may have preceded it. 
This book should be retitled Drowned in the Floss.

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