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Wednesday, 27 February 2019

The Church Planting Wife: Help and Hope for Her Heart ~ Christine Hoover

I've had this book on kindle, waiting to be read, since October 2013 and though I did start it  I just couldn't seem to settle and connect with the content.  This month was the perfect time for me to read it:  God knew I was in the right space to be encouraged by the encouragement and find positive self-analysis in the more challenging portions.  

I found this to be a very good, thought-provoking, read and went haring off down scripture studying trails of my own.  I know an author can't cover every scenario in a book, but I was really keen to see if Christine addressed the specific issue of dealing with manipulators and narcissistic personalities during her church planting time.  Sadly for me, she didn't.

This is not just a book for church planting wives, women in or around those in a ministry/ Christian serving role, or who is a Christian home educating mum,  could also find this a beneficial read.

Here are a few of the encouraging excerpts I jotted down from Christine's book:
   Is there any area of life not characterized by constant demand and limited supply?
In the end, however, we can only give so much. According to our human limits, as we give out to others, our supplies must be replenished. If they are not replenished, we become like a lion tamer fending off weariness, discouragement, dryness, or emptiness. Or perhaps anger, bitterness, or feelings of being unloved or alone.
Who will care for us? The Lord will, for He never grows weary of demands, never needs a break, never sleeps, never takes time off. 

   We often associate peace with changed circumstances or a lack of busyness, but as Jesus modelled, God’s peace comes through dependence in the midst of busyness. Approaching God through prayer, Bible reading, and worship, in which we bring our needy selves to receive from Him, are acts of need. Peace comes through this dependence, through ceding control into more capable hands. 


  1. This book does look very good! I've put in a request for our town library to purchase it. Thank you so much for sharing good book recommendations! Sending you a big hug and praying for you and your family.

  2. Thank you, and sending the same back to you ♥
    (Recommendating books to other book appreciators is a fun thing to do.)


Polite comments are welcomed :)

The number beside each book is my personal rating for the book, or audiobook, at the time of reading with the range being:

(1) = would not recommend,

(2) = some interesting aspects but not one of my recommended reads,

(3) = would recommend.

(4) = Really good, enjoyable, (or worthy) read, would definitely recommend

(5) = Excellent book, highly recommend