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Tuesday 4 December 2018

Royal Escape ~ Georgette Heyer

narrated by Cornelius Garrett   audio/ebook  (4)  

Historical fiction.  (Shropshire, so many places visited in this book, locality reference , and Heyer is faithful to include them in her story)

I enjoyed Georgette Heyer's fictionalised retelling of King Charles II's escape from England - I'm now keen to read a non-fiction version of the account. This story has the same tone, witty humour and clever dialogue, and feel as her Regency books which gave this book an interesting if not 100% authentic feel (I don't think I could have endured true 1600 speak throughout this entire book though).

Extra for others that like to know things like this too: some bawdy, "lusty" male/female, observations and comments. Cursing, including one son of a "she-dog".

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The number beside each book is my personal rating for the book, or audiobook, at the time of reading with the range being:

(1) = would not recommend,

(2) = some interesting aspects but not one of my recommended reads,

(3) = would recommend.

(4) = Really good, enjoyable, (or worthy) read, would definitely recommend

(5) = Excellent book, highly recommend